Muhammad Putra Nurhidayat, Dewi Embong Bulan, Muhammad Yasser MF


Pomacentridae Coral Fish, especially clown fish species (Amphiprion sp.) is one of the groups of coral fish that live in the area of coral reefs that are usually also used as ornamental fish. One of the genus Amphiprion sp., the most dominating in indonesian sea waters is the species Amphiprion ocelaris, or commonly called clown fish. This research aims to find out the structure of clown fish community (Amphiprion sp.) in Kaniungan island of Biduk-Biduk sub-district of Berau district. The study was conducted in July – August 2019. Observations were conducted at 3 stations using UVC method by stretching the transek line along 50 meters following the coastline, with data retrieval 2.5 meters to the right and left. The results of the study on Kaniungan Island species obtained at Station I as many as 6 species and the number of species Amphiprion sp. station II of 3 species. While the abundance of Amphiprion sp. the highest is found in Station I which is 75 individuals and the lowest abundance is also found in Station II which is 40 individuals, while the average diversity index obtained at 1.34 belongs to the medium category value, the average uniformity index value obtained at 0.75 belongs to the category of stable community, and the average dominance index obtained by 0.30 belongs to the low category. The results of t-test analysis conducted at each station showed that the number of Amphiprion sp. in between stations did not differ significantly.


Amphiprion sp., Kaniungan Island, Community Structure

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