- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics
Focus and Scope
- Dental Material
- Dental-related Public Health
- Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry
- Forensic Odontology
- General Dentistry
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Oral Biology
- Oral Medicine
- Oral Pathology
- Orthodontics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Prosthodontics
- Medical/Dentistry Education
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Each article will be reviewed by 2 (two) reviewers. The review hopefully will be done one month after the article is accepted
Peer Review Process
All submitted full papers will be double-blind reviewed. The criteria are following MOLAR review guidelines, based on the technical contents, clarity and format. Authors should make sure the submitted papers use the template for this journal.
Initial Review
The Section Editor evaluates each manuscript in the submission track to determine if its topic and content are suitable for consideration for the journal before being reviewed. Manuscripts that do not meet the minimum criteria are returned to the authors. Authors should follow the guidelines. In this stage, authors are free to continue or discontinue their submission process on MOLAR. Discontinue decision must be written by email following the initial review result/notification email.
Peer Review
Manuscripts that pass the initial review by the Section Editors, will be sent to the reviewer based on their expertise. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. The reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, soundness of methodology, impact and value of content. In this stage, the authors can't discontinue the submission process.
Acceptance Decision
Decisions will be made based on the review. There are three possibilities : "Accept Submission", "Revisions Required", or "Decline Submission." The revised version should be submitted considering the review comments.
Submitted manuscripts must be plagiarism-free with a criterion of maximum 20 percents similarities to other publications.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics
For Authors:
- The author writes the script / article based on the research report/article; case-study; or literature review article.
- The author writes each reference used in the text according to the rules of scientific writing.
- The author must ensure that the manuscript is written free of plagiarism.
- The author can ensure that the manuscript sent to the Mulawarman Dental Journal has never been published in other media, and is not being sent to other journals.
For Reviewers:
- Reviewer assists the editor in making editorial decisions and editors who then submit to the author. The assistance provided by reviewers concerns content review of a text/article.
- Every text received for review must be treated as a confidential document. Manuscripts may not be displayed or discussed with others except as permitted by the editor.
- Review must be carried out objectively with arguments that support according to scientific rules.
For Editors :
- Editor ensures articles are in accordance with the focus / scope of the scientific journal. The responses from reviewers will be used as a basis for the Editor to determine whether an article can be accepted, accepted with a revision (accepted with major / minor revision), or rejected.
- An article is refused to be published due to various considerations, including because the article is not in accordance with the scope, nor insufficient to be classified in a scientific writing, a fundamental method error, or because the author refuses to do the remedies given by reviewers without a logical basis.
- The order of publishing is adjusted to the order in which articles and article revisions are submitted to the editorial board.
- The editor does not have to disclose any information about the manuscript submitted to anyone other than the author, including the reviewer.