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Author Guidelines
General Information
Jurnal Chemurgy is a journal dedicated to the topics that relevant to the field of chemical engineering in the form of experimental research, simulation or development of fundamental concepts. Submission to this journal proceeds totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files. The article could be written both in English or Bahasa Indonesia. The proposed article to be published in the Chemurgy Journal should never be previously published in another journal.
Spesific Information
Article should be written in A4 Paper-single columns about 5-10 pages and composed as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Research Methodology (Model Development), Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), List of Notation (if any), and Bibliography. Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to 'the text'. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line. Papers typed using Times New Roman font 11 pt, single space spacing. The Page setup are Left = 3 cm, Top, Bottom and Right = 2.5 cm. The template is available in here.
Title, Author Name, Author Address, Authors Correspondence
The title should be concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulas that are not widely known and using font 16 pt UPPER CASE format. Name of the author written under the title using font 13 pt without any academic degree. Present the authors' affiliation
addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lowercase superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address using Times New Roman 8 pt. Space between title and the name of the author is one single space 12 pt and the space between the name of the author and the name of the institution is one single space 8 pt.
Abstract and Key Words
Abstract and key words are written respectively in 2 (two) languages namely Indonesian and English. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions. The abstract is ranging from 150-200 words. The abstract is recommended not to contain abbreviations or formulas that are not widely known. Directly below the abstract text, written 5 (five) corresponding selected keywords each separated by a comma (,).The title of the abstract should be written in the center of the field using regular font 11 pt bold. The space between the title of the abstract and the name of the institution is one single space 10 pt. The abstract is written using regular font 10 pt in a single column format.
In this section describe the background of research, the brief of literature review that describes about research state of the art and also the rersearch objectives.
Research Methodology (Model Development)
In this section describe about materials used in research and also the sufficient detail about research method to ensure that the results obtained can be repeated or reproducible. If the manuscript presented is a model development, it is necessary to describe the description of proposed model and how the model is evaluated/used.
Results and Discussion
In this section reveals about research/model development result. It obtained in a systematic, constructive and comprehensive discussion that supports the research purpose and strengthens the conclusion.
The main conclusions of the obtained results.
Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.).
The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order of the author's last name and time (if required). If there are multiple libraries of the same authors for different years then we need to give the index letters "a", "b", "c", etc. after the publication year. This journal is using the Cite Them Right 10th Edition-Harvard style for the bibliography. This journal suggests the author use Mendeley or other similar applications for making references list.
Acid value of biodiesel product was obtained at 0.098 mg KOH/g. Acid value was lower than maximal acid value in SNI 7182 : 2012 (0.6 mg KOH/g) and EN 14214 : 2012 (0.5 mg KOH/g) (Niawanti and Zullaikah, 2017). Previously, secondary metabolites were generally thought to be waste products of plants without apparent function. Nowadays, they represent an important source of biological active compounds which are very important for the development of food and pharmaceutical industries (Zullaikah et al., 2018).
Niawanti, H. and Zullaikah, S. (2017) ‘Removal of Bioactive Compound ( γ -Oryzanol ) from Rice Bran Oil-Based Biodiesel Using Deep Eutectic Solvent’, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, pp. 1513–1518. doi: 10.3303/CET1756253.
Book Chapter:
Zullaikah, S. et al. (2018) ‘Green Separation of Bioactive Natural Products Using Liquefied Mixture of of Bioactive Solids Green Separation Natural Products Using Liquefied Mixture of Solids’, Green Chemistry. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.71755.
Submission to this journal proceeds totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files . Reviewing process will be conducted by the Board of Editor. Any correspondence will be addressed to the corresponding author. The author should revise the article according to the reviewer advice. The Board of Editor are entitled to reject any articles which are not relevant to subject of chemical engineering, not up to date, or have been published in any other scientific publication.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
- The author should fill the author's statement letter and submit as supplementary file.
Copyright Notice
Licensed Use of Non - Commercial Articles will be governed by the Creative Commons Attribution license, which is featured on the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The author guarantees that the articles published through JURNAL CHEMURGY are original and do not contain statements that violate the law do not violate others' rights are subject to copyright, which is held exclusively by the author and free from the rights of third parties. The author is allowed to quote from various sources used for research and not to harm any party.
JURNAL CHEMURGY disseminates articles published with the rules set by Creative Commons. JURNAL CHEMURGY license allows users to copy, distribute, display, and work for non-commercial purposes. Users also need to connect authors and JURNAL CHEMURGY with the distribution of articles in journals.
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Regarding royalties, so far, if it is following applicable legal regulations, the author will waive his right to collect royalties on articles that have been licensed by JURNAL CHEMURGY.
In publishing the article, the editorial process is successful. JURNAL CHEMURGY will continue it. JURNAL CHEMURGY has the right to adjust articles related to punctuation, spelling, capital letters, references used, and usage adapted to JURNAL CHEMURGY. The author acknowledges that the article can be published and accessed free of charge by the public.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.