A.L. Dwi Rizky Setiabudi, Muhammad Syahrir Ramang, Dewi Embong Bulan


This study aims to determine the bycatch and discard catch atboat lift nets in the Mataha waters,Berau Regency, as well as one of the benchmarks for determining the selectivity of these fishing gears known by analyzing existing data. The research was conducted from February to March 2018. Analysis of the data was the measurement of the length and weight of the catch, percentage of catch, relative abundance, frequency of relative emergence and assessment of the environment of the boat lift netsfishing environment. The results showedthe types of catches obtained during the study were 108 species which were divided into groups of pisces, crustaceans and molluscs.  A total weight of 23.5 tons obtained consisting of the main catch,by-catch and discard catch. Based on the assessment of environmental friendliness shows a score of 6, meaning that the boat lift nets in these waters is less environmental friendly.


boat lift nets, bycatch, discard catch.

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