ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis

ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis published by Forestry Faculty of Mulawarman University, which is published twice a year in March and September with p-issn 2599-1205 and e-issn 2599-1183. It contains articles of research or study of literature in the field of Forest Management, Forest Conservation, Silviculture, and Forest Product. Language used for full article in this journal is Bahasa Indonesia, abstract in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis embodies research articles including:

1. Forest Management

2. Forest Conservation

3. Silviculture

4. Forest Product

5. Forest Ecology

6. Forestry Policy and Politics

7. Ecotourism

8. GIS and Mapping

9. Social Forestry

10. Management of Watersheds

11. Environmental Services

12. Environmental Impact

13. Environmental Planning and Management

14. Climate Change

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Ulin: The Journal of Tropical Forests publishes research results covering the fields of Forest management, Forest Conservation, Silviculture, Forest products, Forest Ecology and other related fields. This journal is published regularly every 6 months in March and September.  
Posted: 2020-03-15 More...
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Vol 8, No 2 (2024): (InPress)

Table of Contents


Ardho Ardiansyah Ardho, Muhammad Mardhiansyah
1 - 6
Yeni Nurmalasari, Irwan Mahakam Lesmono Aji, Diah Permata Sari
7 - 18
Sri Indriyani, Viny Volcherina Darlis
19 - 23
Irma Sribianti, Nadir Nadir, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, Nirwana Nirwana, Hikmah Hikmah, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin
24 - 33
Oktaviani Oktaviani, Hendra Pribadi, Abdul Rahman, Syukur Umar, Arman Maiwa
34 - 40
Tiara Anggita, Andi Sahri Alam, Abdul Rosyid, Bau Toknok, Sofyan Sofyan
41 - 48